Blue Light Glasses vs. Sunglasses: What's the Difference?

June 17, 2024Back to Blog

Ever squint at your phone screen in the dark, only to wake up with tired, dry eyes? You're not alone. In our digital age, many people experience eye strain from prolonged exposure to blue light. But is the answer reaching for your sunglasses? Not quite! Let's clear up the confusion between blue light glasses and sunglasses to help you choose the right eye protection.

The rise of digital devices has brought new concerns about eye health. One common question: can sunglasses protect your eyes from the blue light emitted by screens? While both sunglasses and blue light glasses offer eye protection, they target different threats.

  • Sunglasses: These shields block ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun, protecting your eyes from damage that can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration. They come in various lens tints and styles, offering a stylish way to shield your eyes outdoors.

  • Blue Light Glasses: These glasses feature lenses with a special coating that filters out some blue light, specifically the high-energy blue light wave (around 410nm) thought to contribute to eye strain, fatigue, and sleep disruption. Blue light glasses are ideal for extended screen time indoors.

Choosing the Right Option:

  • For Outdoor Activities: Sunglasses are a must-have. Look for glasses with 100% UV protection and a proper fit to shield your eyes from the sun's harmful rays.

  • For Screen Time: Blue light glasses can provide relief from eye strain and fatigue caused by digital devices. Consider the amount of screen time you have and choose glasses with a comfortable tint.

Pro Tip:
Some glasses combine UV protection with blue light filtering capabilities, offering a great option for those who need protection from both elements.


Understanding the difference between blue light glasses and sunglasses empowers you to choose the right tool for the job. By protecting your eyes from both UV rays and blue light, you can promote healthy vision and maintain a comfortable viewing experience.

Call to Action:

Still unsure about which eyewear is best for you? Visit Glasio Eyewear or consult our expert opticians to find the perfect pair for your needs!